Q: I'm interested in buying the domain xyz.com, can you help me?
A: Please get in contact with the registrant of the domain.
You may use the whois on this site to aquire the relevant information.

Q: Where can I change my DNS and Domain Details, how can I
update the WHOIS?

A: Please get in contact with your provider, they can assist you with
this matter. Provider means where you have registered your domain name.
In most cases, this is your webspace provider.

Q: When will the domain xyz.com EXPIRE? Is there an auto-renew
or will the domain be deleted?

A: Our domains are set to automatically renew. The domains will
not be deleted after the expirationdate in the WHOIS.

Q: Where is my password for my Online Account?
A: Your provider/webhosting provider can give you this information.
Please get in contact with them when you need this information.

Q: I want to UN-LOCK my domain, my domain shows a LOCK-status in
the WHOIS; How do I do this?

A: Please also contact the company where your domain was registered.
In most cases, this is your webspace provider.

Q: How do I get the Auth-Info for my domain to transfer it?
A: Please get in contact with your provider, they can assist you
with this matter.

Q: What is the fee and procedure to restore a deleted domain name during the Redemption Grace Period?
A: When a domain was deleted, there is Grace Period for 30 days to restore the domain name. The former owner must authorize the former Registrar to restore the domain name. Usually, ask your ISP/reseller where you purchased your domain name. He knows how to restore the domain and has tools to submit a restore request. If you are not able to restore the domain with your ISP, you can directly contact us. The fee to recover a domain name is 179.- US$.

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